Man Craps Himself

  1. Man Craps Himself Running
  2. Marathon Man Craps Himself

Nobody in the history of man has made it through their life without shitting themselves – it’s a right of passage.

Years after Swedish distance runner Mikael Ekvall crapped his shorts in the midst of a half-marathon, his photo still shows up on Facebook. You might've seen it with a 'fail' caption or a. Representative Jerry Nadler has a slippery experience in a recent press conference where he POOPS his pants and we have the exclusive hot mic from the p.

Whether it’s when you’re a baby, ill or unfathomably drunk, at least one day is likely to be ruined by the accidental presence of poo.

A shopper was in this unfortunate situation recently, but instead of fessing up to his excrement, he made it much worse for himself.

Have a look at the video below:

Security camera footage from a supermarket in Turkey shows a man wandering around a local shop, appearing to look a little unsteady.

He walks up to the counter, stops, and shifts his legs – and drops a poo on the floor.

Obviously, his mind would be scrambling at this point. ‘What should I do? Should I tell the staff? Should I hide it?’

Well, the gentleman opted for the latter. He tries kick his droppings underneath of an ice cream refrigerator, of all places.

However, whether it was the poo’s moistness or the man’s heavy footing, he ends up smearing the shit across the floor like a brush stroke – not exactly Art Attack, is it?

When the staff member arrives at the counter to assist the gentleman with his shopping, the culprit appears to act completely innocent, gesturing to the clerk as if he doesn’t know where it came from. Think McLovin when he drops the beer in the liquor store in Superbad.


The supermarket, based in the district of Karasu in the north-western Turkish province of Sakarya, is yet to comment on the video.

Naturally, people online aren’t pleased by the man’s faecal antics. One person wrote: ‘Has this man no shame? Dirty Git.’ Another wrote: ‘Feel bad for the cashier but that got a laugh out of me. How gross.’

If you’re caught in a situation like this, take the five minutes of shame – don’t hide it under the ice cream.

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After graduating from Glasgow Caledonian University with an NCTJ and BJTC-accredited Multimedia Journalism degree, Cameron ventured into the world of print journalism at The National, while also working as a freelance film journalist on the side, becoming an accredited Rotten Tomatoes critic in the process. He’s now left his Scottish homelands and taken up residence at UNILAD as a journalist.

  1. The Sun

Armando said he livestreamed himself pooing in Pelosi’s driveway as a protest against lack of facilities for homeless people....

Armando said he livestreamed himself pooing in Pelosi’s driveway as a protest against lack of facilities for homeless people.

YouTube star Armando livestreams himself pooing in US Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s driveway. Picture: YouTube.Source:Supplied

A YouTube star who livestreamed himself doing a poo in US Speaker and Democratic Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s driveway has joked he did it in honour of Donald Trump.

The man, 28, who calls himself Armando online and is homeless, says he defecated outside the San Francisco house as a “peaceful protest”, but admits it got out of hand.

His livestream video, which he entitled “Poopelosi” was a protest against a lack of resources for people living on the streets and the privileged lives of people in power like Pelosi.

“I’d been hunting for a toilet all week, and the joke came up in the comments on one of my streams that ‘Hey, you should take a crap at Pelosi’s house’,” Armando told The New York Post.

“Everyone was enjoying the idea of it, and eventually I just couldn’t hold it anymore.”

Armando belongs to a YouTube channel he founded which films “in real life” livestreams of unfiltered street life.

He has used the channel to show viewers the reality of homelessness as he travelled from city to city, but says coronavirus restrictions have made daily existence difficult.

Armando said with more businesses closed down there are fewer opportunities for homeless people to access bathrooms.

YouTube star Armando livestreams himself pooing in US Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s driveway. Picture: YouTube.Source:Supplied

Armando said he livestreamed himself pooing in Pelosi’s driveway as a protest against lack of facilities for homeless people. Picture: YouTube.Source:Supplied

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Man Craps Himself Running

In the video Armando wanders the streets looking for Nancy Pelosi’s house, then sets up a camera across from her driveway where he stands for several minutes.

Man craps himself running

Then he salutes the camera before squatting down to relieve himself on the pavement.

After exiting the frame, he can be heard saying, “That was for President Trump”.

He told The New York Post the remark was “satire,” and he’s “not really very political”.
But he said he supports Trump’s achievements and is scared about rising crime and the state of the country.

“I fear America is becoming one big burned down city,” he said.

Following the livestream, San Francisco Police detained Armando and questioned who he was and if he was he part of Antifa, the far left political movement.

He later apologised to the top Democrat. Picture: Alex Wong/GettySource:AFP

Armando has apologised to Pelosi on Twitter, saying, “@SpeakerPelosi I know you may not ever see this but I want you to know, I meant no foul harm yesterday when I did what I did. “I’m not proud of it at all and I just would like for you to know that. I have no ill will against you or anyone in an elected officials position.”

But he still hoped the core message of his protest had got out, he told The Post.

“We need more access to bathrooms, we need more access to resources out here,” he said.

Armando’s act has drawn widespread comment on social media, with some condemning him but many praising his bold actions.

One Twitter user reported that afterwards people were calling him the “PelosiPooper” and “literally sending him money”.

Marathon Man Craps Himself

Nancy Pelosi made headlines earlier this month when she was pictured in a hair salon without a mask in a move dubbed hypocritical by opponents.